Friday, January 28, 2011

So my goals as they stand

I was talking to a friend in Venezuela last night on MSN who has a goal of moving to Canada. He decided on Toronto because Vancouver is ridiculously expensive right now and the job opportunities aren't as good as Toronto. So I decided to point him toward Sheridan and we looked through the opportunities and all that.

I think I'm gonna go to Sheridan myself in the next year or two. I'm not making this decision because I think I need a school but because I need a long term goal that is tangible and not vague. Even if I don't go to Sheridan or any school in the end, at least I have something to work toward that just doesn't end in one fell swoop. I'm not one to plan one step at a time, I need to plan out everything. I never feel safe unless everything is planned out because then I start fretting about the next step.

It'll probably be in two years, but not because I'm concerned about not getting in but because there's a medical issue I want to get out of the way and it would complicate things if I went out to Sheridan still with it. So I want to take a year to adjust to a job and save up money for that just to get myself in the swing of things.

And who knows what will happen during that time. I might become more productive or find some good work within that time period and my plans might change.

So I'm gonna try to get a job in data entry. It seems like the only thing I could really do at present time and it pays a lot. If I'm lucky I can land a job that makes me 15$ an hour.

It's gonna be a bit weird because when I graduate I'll be 27-28 years old, but whatever. I wasn't mentally sound or prepared for this and dealing with your mental baggage is important. I did what I had to do and at least I got some pretty big gigs before getting to this point.

So that's where I stand.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


So, most people who follow this know what is because they've either heard of it or go there. Someone who wasn't got freaked out and actually typed in '' into his browser and came up with cocaine anonymous.

Yeah, I mean guys, haha.

The last gift

A drawing of a young Damon Albarn for my cousin.

I have been really busy lately. In a good way, I suppose, but I don't have much time to work on art or play games as there is always something going on with family.

I've got plans on what to do with my art. I really felt encouraged when I was posting regularly on and my depression has improved a great deal, so I think I'm ready to jump back into things. Not sure if I'll post regularly on, though, I haven't decided.

Scanning everyday for simple study pages got annoying fast, lol.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Not sure what I just drew, but it was fun.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Finally finished

I think I lvled up in skill here. I still need to figure out how to paint figures without losing the gesture and form, though. There are some parts that look awkward.

Also, it seems like a ghost town these days. I mean people still post, but it seems like a lot less now.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010